10 Best Alkaline Water Purifiers for Home in India in 2022 (Meanings, Price Range & Reviews)

best alkaline water purifiers in india

In more developed nations, the alkaline water trend is well and truly underway. In our country, this trend has only just begun and the best alkaline water brands in India are still in the early stages of capturing the market. The fact that you’re looking for the best alkaline water purifiers in India already means that you’re well ahead of the curve.

Because it is such a new concept, many people haven’t fully grasped it yet. And, if you try to make alkaline water a part of your routine without clearly understanding the concept, then it can end up being counterproductive to your health.

This is why we’ve created this guide on the best alkaline water purifiers in India. While a major chunk of this guide focuses on analyzing the best of these devices currently available in the country, we have a detailed knowledge section where you can learn all there is to learn about alkaline water too.

If you feel that you don’t need to learn about the intricacies of drinking alkaline water, feel free to skip the knowledge section by using the clickable navigation panel below.

Alkaline Water Purifier Means What?

Chemistry 101: There are three types of liquids – acidic, alkaline, and neutral. Liquids are classified into these categories based on their pH values.

A liquid whose pH value falls between 6 and 7 is considered to be neutral. Everything above is alkaline while everything below is acidic.

Drinking water from your water purifier is almost always neutral i.e., a pH value of 7. Distilled water i.e., water used in scientific experiments in labs is almost always acidic.

In fact, if you leave water from an RO water purifier exposed to the air for an extended period of time, it will turn acidic as well. This happens because RO water absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Since carbon dioxide is acidic, its absorption results in the water becoming acidic too.

In contrast, the water you get from below the ground such as well water or boring water typically tends to be alkaline. This might make you think that hard water is alkaline and you’ll be right. At the same time, though, it matters how hard the water is.

Only water with a pH value of up to 10 can be consumed safely. If the pH value is higher then the water is undrinkable. Unfortunately, most borewell water in our country is of this type. On the flip side, well water is almost always alkaline to just the right level.

The big question, though, is why you need alkaline water. The short answer is you don’t. The long answer is that you don’t but it can make your health and life better.

Benefits of the Best Alkaline Water Filters

The reason why alkaline water is becoming popular is that there’s a lot of anecdotal proof of its health benefits. For instance, a lot of people say that alkaline water can nullify acidity because it neutralizes stomach acids.

Further, many people even believe that alkaline water can neutralize free radicals in the body because it contains antioxidants of various types.

The nullification of these free radicals, of course, means prevention of several different diseases ranging from just hair loss to something as advanced as cancer or heart problems.

Similarly, because alkaline water almost always contains calcium, a lot of people are convinced that drinking it regularly can reduce bone loss and boost bone density.

There isn’t a lot of scientific evidence backing all these health benefits of drinking alkaline water. There is some, though.

For example, scientists from the Voice Institute of New York in the US conducted a study in 2012 on the potential benefits of alkaline drinking water. They discovered that alkaline water with a pH value of 8.8 can actively neutralize pepsin in the gastrointestinal tract while the water of a lower pH value cannot.

Another study conducted by a Chinese scientist from the First Hospital of Shanghai Textile showed alkaline water to have some benefits against high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and even diabetes.

An even more comprehensive study was published in 2016 in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition involving 100 participants. The study focused on measuring the blood viscosity of these participants.

The scientists randomly assigned them to drink either high pH alkaline water or normal water after working out to a point that they lost weight due to dehydration.

They found lower blood viscosity in people who drank alkaline water when compared to those who drank normal water. The people who had alkaline water saw a 6.3% reduction in blood viscosity while those on normal water only saw a reduction of 3.36%. Effectively, drinking alkaline water allowed the blood to flow more freely in the body and improved circulation.

Are There Any Drawbacks of Using an Alkaline Water Purifier in India?

While alkaline water can be beneficial, it isn’t entirely without flaws either. For the majority of people, though, the primary flaw of drinking alkaline water is a lack of sufficient knowledge.

For example, many people don’t know that alkaline water is good only if its pH value is not too high and only if it is consumed in the right quantities.

Alkaline water with a pH value above 10 can end up causing metabolic alkalosis. Metabolic alkalosis occurs when the liquid in your stomach becomes too alkaline. It is an imbalance that can result in a slew of symptoms such as dizziness, respiratory distress, and even mental confusion.

Metabolic alkalosis can also occur if you have too much alkaline water in your diet, even if its pH value is in the right range. Further, it can occur if you don’t give your body the time to adjust to alkaline water by staggering your intake over an extended period of time.

The other issue that can be pretty common in India is the corrosion of metallic utensils. Indians use a lot of metal, steel, and iron utensils for drinking, eating, and cooking. Exposure to alkaline water can corrode the metal in these utensils especially if the water is allowed to rest in the utensil for a long time.

People can also experience health problems by having alkaline water if they’re already coping with kidney or liver problems. Since alkaline water is made alkaline by the addition of minerals and the minerals have to be processed by these organs, if the organs are weak to begin with the added load can lead to serious problems.

How Much Alkaline Water Is Good Per Day?

All this poses the question of how much alkaline water you can have in a day. The answer varies according to your particular situation.

If you’re used to having 8 or more glasses of water every day (this translates to two liters in most cases), then you can switch to alkaline water and have the same amount without worries.

You can have a bit more too but it isn’t going to help you more. Moreover, if you feel any kind of discomfort after a day or two of drinking 2 liters of alkaline water, try reducing the amount.

If you’re not used to drinking at least 2 liters of water every day and are trying to up your daily consumption, then you need to be very careful with alkaline water.

Start by adding one glass of alkaline water to what you normally have. Add another glass if you don’t feel discomfort. Keep adding and monitoring comfort levels till you reach 8 glasses per day.

You have to constantly monitor your comfort levels when consuming alkaline water. The reason for this is that the side effects of drinking alkaline water are similar to its benefits i.e., accumulative. They only appear over prolonged use. So, if you don’t monitor your intake and comfort levels actively, you might not notice them altogether.

As to when you should have alkaline water, we suggest beginning your day with a glass or two. If you exercise regularly, then you should try consuming alkaline water before, during, or after the workout. It will help you replace the electrolytes that you’ve lost through sweating.

Is the Best Alkaline Water Made at Home?

It is possible to make alkaline water at home. However, controlling the minerals that go into this water and the final pH of the water can be challenging.

The two common methods of making alkaline water are to use lemons with sea salt and use baking soda.

If you go the first route, you squeeze half a lemon, slice and drop the other half, and then add some sea salt to a liter of water. Let this mix rest overnight and you have a crude form of alkaline water in the morning.

The other method is to mix baking soda in water and let it lie overnight.

How Do Alkaline Water Purifiers Work?

In nature, when water goes over certain types of rocks, stones, and soil and picks up the mineral molecules, it turns into alkaline water. This is why wells and stream water in the hills are considered to be healthy alkaline water.

In cities, since the water is often polluted or treated with chemicals, it needs to be cleaned with the help of water purifiers. This is where Reverse Osmosis or RO water purifiers come into the picture.

RO water purifiers have a semi-permeable membrane that can remove particles as small as 0.0001 microns. These devices use electricity to break down chemical bonds in the water as well as push it through the tight membrane.

The particles remain behind while the clean water comes out from the membrane. This means that these machines remove minerals in addition to impurities bringing the water’s pH down to 7.

In recent years, manufacturers have woken up to the need of minerals in the water. As a result, they’ve modified the basic model of the water purifier by adding a “pH enhancer” or “taste enhancer” to it.

These extra modules or filter cartridges turn the RO water purifiers into “alkaline water purifiers”.

The extra module in alkaline water purifiers instead of removing from the water adds to it. The module contains layers of different minerals and the water goes through each layer. Along the way, the water picks up the mineral molecules and becomes alkaline. Essentially, the technology mimics the process we see in nature.

Best Budget Alkaline Water Purifier in India

Best Value Alkaline Water Purifier in India

Best Expensive Alkaline Water Purifier in India

Proven® PRO Diamond-12

Blue Star Eleanor EL5BLAM01

KENT Supreme Extra

The cheapest alkaline water purifier that boasts virtually every purification technology available in the country right now

An alkaline water purifier that offers the perfect balance of features, cost, and brand reliability in the Indian market.

Easily the best alkaline water purifier in the market in terms of virtually every variable you can think of evaluating.

Best Alternative for Alkaline Water Purifier in India

Shapure Standard Alkaline Filter and Mineral Cartridge

A high-quality and fairly reliable alkaline water filter cartridge that can be installed in almost every water purifier model.

How to Choose the Best Alkaline Water Machine in India

When it comes to alkaline water purifiers, your primary concern has to be the setup you already have in your house because there are two types of options available to you if you want alkaline water.

The first is the full water purifier with an alkaline module. This means that your water purifier will first remove all the impurities in the water you get before adding beneficial minerals to it.

Your other option will be relevant if you already have an RO water purifier installed in your house.

If you have one, then it doesn’t really make sense to replace it completely because of the amount of money you’ll have to spend. A better way would be to find a way to turn your purified water into alkaline water. This is where alkaline filter cartridges and jugs come into play.

Specialized alkaline filter cartridges are available that can be added to your existing water purifier, turning it into an alkaline water purifier. Depending on your water purifier model, it is even possible to install these filter cartridges inside your existing machine.

Kent also offers a standalone alkaline water filter pitcher. Essentially, you take your purified water and pour it into this jug. As you pour it in, it goes through an alkaline filter and adds minerals to it.

If you’re buying an alkaline water purifier, then it would be a good idea to check that it purifies the water properly. This obviously means looking at all the technologies such as RO, UV, UF, active copper, and even in-tank UV. Additionally, we also recommend considering the water storage capacity and post-sales service quality.

If you’re going for the add-on option, then your biggest challenge will be to ensure quality. The reason for this is that these alkaline filter cartridges are aftermarket products that are offered by third-party manufacturers.

Most of these manufacturers are not commonly known which means that their products don’t go through the strictest of quality control mechanisms. Further, while they fit most water purifying models well, it is still a good idea to check their compatibility with your particular model.

In terms of jugs, the problem is one of longevity and availability of filter cartridges.

Of course, you’ll have to take into account the alkaline water purifier price in India too. Since this is a fairly new industry, there’s not a lot of competition. This means that you won’t find many discounts and alkaline water filter prices wil stay close to the MRPs regardless of whether you go to a local dealer or buy online. In fact, local dealers may not even have such products.

10 Best Alkaline Water Purifiers for Home in India: At a Glance

Product Name

Product Type


Price Segment


RO + UV + MTDS + Active Copper

12 liters


RO + UV + UF

7 liters



7 liters

Budget to Affordable

RO + UV + UF

8 liters



7 liters

Affordable to Expensive


7 liters


RO + UV + UF + MTDS + Tank UV

8 liters


Alkaline Cartridge

6000 – 8000 liters


Alkaline Cartridge



Alkaline Water Filter Pitcher

3.5 liters


Top 3 Alkaline Water Purifiers for Home in India (Under ₹10,000): Detailed Reviews

#1: Proven® PRO Diamond-12

Editor’s Rating: 4.25/5.0

Proven is not the most well-known brand in the country but it isn’t completely unknown either. This means that while it isn’t the most established name, it isn’t a small-time startup either.

Every time a new brand like this appears in the market, it offers customers the perfect opportunity to get a feature-loaded product at unbelievably low prices. This is true for the PRO Diamond-12 alkaline water purifier from Proven too.

This alkaline water purifier is the cheapest on our list but it isn’t inferior in terms of capabilities. While you see signs of where the company has cut corners to lower its products’ prices, the one area where it hasn’t made compromises is technology.

As a result, this is a most accomplished alkaline water purifier. It offers coveted technologies like RO, UV, MTDS, and even ORP management with active copper. It does lack the Ultra-Filtration technology, though.

RO, as you know by now, is reverse osmosis and the most cutting-edge purification technology. UV is the ultraviolet technology for killing off microorganisms in the water. MTDS is manual TDS control which means that the user can change the TDS value of purified water that the machine targets during purification.

ORP reduction with active copper is used in conjunction with alkalization technologies. The alkalization technology in this device results in the water receiving minerals like calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium.

All this boils down to a multistage purification system comprising a pre-filter, a sediment filter, a pre-carbon filter, the RO membrane, UV disinfection, and alkalization.

This device offers amazing storage capacity too. Its tank can hold up to 12 liters of purified water. In case you don’t know, industry storage tank standards are 7 liters with a few elite devices offering 8 liters.

Incredibly cheap, this device comes with the usual accessories. It is also covered by a 1-year warranty for all electrical parts other than the UV lamp.

Further, unlike established brands, this company doesn’t offer free installation. You’ll have to pay ₹500 to the technician. The service isn’t the best either because the company doesn’t have an elaborate network in the country yet.

If you were to buy an alkaline water purifier with all these technologies from an established brand like Kent, Aquaguard, or Havells, you can expect to pay two to three times the price of this device.

You can tell it is cheap by its build quality, though. The sturdiness of this device is nowhere close to comparable to other more established brands. The direct result of this is that sometimes the device starts leaking.

Appearance-wise, this alkaline water purifier is a little tacky to look at with its shiny black with gold beading motif. It’s up to you, whether you display this device or have it installed inside a cupboard.

Who’s it for: If you want the cheapest alkaline water purifier in the market and don’t attach much value to brand name, get this one from Proven.

Tech Specs



  • Product Type: RO + UV + MTDS + Active Copper

  • Capacity: 12 liters

  • Offers most commonly desired features

  • Boasts six-stage filtration process

  • Allows for TDS adjustment by the user

  • Huge storage capacity

  • An incredibly cheap alkaline water purifier

  • Comes with a 1-year warranty

  • No ultra-filtration technology

  • Low build quality

  • Tank leakage is a common issue

  • A small company without a large service network

#2: Faber FWP Galaxy Fresh

Editor’s Rating: 4.0/5.0

Faber’s FWP Galaxy Fresh is the cheapest alkaline water purifier in the Indian market if you’re only considering products from recognized brand names.

While not as cheap or as feature-rich as the product from Proven, this device still happens to be considerably cheaper than all other competing models from well-established brands.

However, while you’ll save money by going for this product, you will have to compromise on features. For example, this device doesn’t offer either Ultra-Filtration mode or the ability to change the TDS value of the purified water.

What you will get, however, is a basic but fairly solid alkaline water purifier. This device relies on RO and UV technology while combining them with Mineral Added Technology or MAT.

It boasts an 8-stage filtration system with multiple types of filters including a couple of sediment filters, a pre-carbon filter, and a post-carbon filter. The system is capable of handling water with a TDS value as high as 2500.

The purified water is stored in a 7-liter tank that is made exclusively with ABS food-grade plastic and incorporates germ block technology.

Another cost-cutting measure is that this device isn’t designed to be freestanding. You’ll have no option but to have it wall-mounted so make sure you have space before making the purchase.

Finally, the construction material of this alkaline water purifier also comes off as a bit on the cheaper side. It isn’t as sturdy as other purifiers of similar type in the market right.

However, the biggest flaw of this device is the post-sales from the company or lack thereof. It’s almost as if Faber’s service network consists of third-party technicians who are instructed by a centralized support team. Naturally, this means insufficient training and quality control when it comes to the technicians’ knowledge and conduct.

Appearance-wise, this device does well with its black and silver color scheme. It is neutral enough to fit into most kitchen designs and themes.

It is possible to get the same machine with more features but you’ll have to pay extra for it. You’ll have two other variants of this same alkaline water purifier to choose from.

One adds copper enhancement to the existing technologies while the other adds Ultra-Filtration along with copper enhancement. The price differential is considerable too. The most advanced machine costs close to ₹4,000 more while the mid-range one is priced more than ₹3,000 above the price of the model we’ve reviewed here.

You’ll get free installation and a 1-year warranty on all the variants, as is standard in the industry.

Who’s it for: If you want a pocket-friendly alkaline water purifier with the security of buying from a recognized brand, get this one from Faber.

Tech Specs



  • Product Type: RO + UV

  • Capacity: 7 liters

  • Purifies and disinfects water well

  • Boasts an eight-stage filtration process

  • Can purify up to 2500 TDS water

  • Storage tank made with food-grade plastic and germ block technology

  • Two other variants are also available

  • A fairly cheap alkaline water purifier

  • The company offers free installation

  • Comes with a 1-year warranty

  • No ultra-filtration technology

  • No manual TDS adjustment mechanism

  • Low build quality

  • Can only be mounted on the wall

  • Poor post-sales service

#3: Livpure Glo Star

Editor’s Rating: 4.0/5.0

This is one of the better-looking alkaline water purifiers out there. Not only is the appearance of this machine attractive, but it is also neutral enough to fit into most aesthetic schemes in India.

With a sleek, opaque black body accented by a white faucet, this machine deserves to be installed in the open instead of inside a cupboard.

However, if you’re planning to keep it standing on your countertop, we don’t advise it because it is meant to be wall-mounted only.

While appearance maybe its best quality, it isn’t entirely without substance. The purifier offers a 7-stage purification system that includes RO and UF filtration, UV disinfection, and mineralization of the water. Additionally, the storage tank has UV sterilization technology that ensures regular disinfection for stored water.

Another noteworthy component of this device is the Silver Impregnated Post Carbon Cartridge. This cartridge has silver molecules embedded in it which ensure the removal of Volatile Organic Impurities or VOCs from the water. The tank, by the way, can hold 7 liters while the purifier can filter 13 liters of water per hour.

This alkaline water purifier also comes with multiple LED indicators for communicating various status updates. There are indications for power, purification in-process, and tank full.

This isn’t the cheapest such machine in the market. However, it is pocket-friendly. If you find it a bit outside your budget, you can always go for the slightly cheaper model called GLO. You’ll have to give up on UF technology but you’ll save about ₹1,500 along the way.

Livpure offers free installation and a 1-year warranty, whichever variant you go for. While the warranty is standard, the post-sales service can be an issue, especially when compared to other more well-established brands.

This would’ve been okay too if the machine was sturdy. Unfortunately, its build quality is on the lower side and enough people complain about breakdowns for us to be a little concerned.

Technology-wise, this water purifier obviously lacks the manual TDS option so you can’t change the target TDS of the device. Further, it makes considerable noise while purifying the water which can be an annoyance in peaceful homes.

Who’s it for: If you want an alkaline water purifier that balances features and cost well while adding aesthetics to your kitchen, get this one from Livpure.

Tech Specs



  • Product Type: RO + UV + UF

  • Capacity: 7 liters

  • Purifies and disinfects water well

  • Boasts a seven-stage filtration process

  • In-tank UV keeps water disinfected

  • Incorporates multiple LED indicators and alarms

  • One other variant is available

  • A cheap to affordable alkaline water purifier

  • The company offers free installation

  • Comes with a 1-year warranty

  • No manual TDS adjustment mechanism

  • Low build quality

  • Can only be mounted on the wall

  • Poor post-sales service

  • Can be quite noisy

Top 2 Alkaline Water Purifiers for Home in India (Between ₹10,000 – ₹15,000): Detailed Reviews

#1: Blue Star Eleanor EL5BLAM01

Editor’s Rating: 4.75/5.0

This Blue Star alkaline water purifier is the ideal way to get the most value out of your spending. While not entirely without flaws, this device is the best option in the affordable price bracket.

Adorably dubbed Eleanor, this alkaline water purifier has all the usual purification technologies ranging from RO and UF to UV and alkalization.

The company calls its alkalization technology Immuno Boost Technology or IBT but what it does is essentially mineralization. So, the IBT technology in this water purifier means that it incorporates copper and calcite to deliver mineral-rich water with just the right pH value.

Effectively, this means that this machine has a 7-stage purification process that includes a pre-filter, a pre-carbon filter, a sediment filter, an RO membrane, a UF membrane, and a post-carbon filter along with UV sterilization.

The entire system can process close to 12 liters every hour while the storage tank can hold 8 liters of purified water.

The device’s appearance is decent too. It combines black and grey colors to good effect with indicators adding some color to the looks. Indicators are there for power, tank full, and UV failure.

The only problem is that this purifier is super-noisy. You might have to hide away its beauty inside a cupboard just to be rid of all that noise. Incidentally, you can have it wall-mounted or freestanding, depending on your preferences. Another flaw is that it doesn’t allow TDS to be adjusted by the user independently.

Pricing-wise, this device is competitive, falling well within the affordable price bracket. It also comes with a 1-year warranty and free installation but the company categorically specifies that this depends on the proximity of their service center or dealer to the user. This means that its post-sales service may not be the best in smaller cities.

Who’s it for: If you’re not worried about noise and don’t live in a small city, you can get the best bang for your buck by going for this Blue Star product.

Tech Specs



  • Product Type: RO + UV + UF

  • Capacity: 8 liters

  • An alkaline water purifier with multiple technologies

  • Boasts a seven-stage filtration process

  • Incorporates copper-impregnated activated carbon

  • RO membrane can handle up to 285 liters of water per day

  • Comes with multiple LED indicators and alarms

  • Can be wall-mounted or freestanding

  • An affordable alkaline water purifier

  • The company offers free installation

  • Comes with a 1-year warranty

  • No manual TDS adjustment mechanism

  • Poor post-sales service

  • Can be quite noisy

#2: Aquaguard Aura GWPDAUALK00000

Editor’s Rating: 4.5/5.0

Aquaguard is one of the most well-established and oldest water purifier brands in the country. It is because of their brand value that this Aquaguard alkaline water purifier is a bit on the pricey side.

The fact that they’ve been around for a while does mean that the post-sales service isn’t as bad as it is with the newer companies.

The device, itself, is steady and useful without being special or stellar in any way. The GWPDAUALK00000 model we’re reviewing here is one of three Aura models with the other models being slightly more advanced. There’s also the Ivory model which has a different color scheme.

The reason why we’re reviewing this model is that it is the only one that has alkaline functionality. All others are without but they do contain other technologies such as active copper, UF, and MTDS.

This one comes with an alkaline cartridge that the company says is a part of its patented Mineral Guard Technology. This machine also boasts the RO filtration system and ultraviolet sterilization which occurs periodically inside the 7-liter storage tank.

The tank, by the way, is translucent. This means that while it isn’t clear, it isn’t entirely opaque either. You can see through the dignified black color of this machine’s body.

The color scheme of this alkaline water purifier is also quite attractive with the black and copper combination working well. The body of the device also has LED indication alerts for various aspects such as cartridge replacement due, service required, or tank full.

Aquaguard’s reliable post-sales service is a strength of this device, especially since it will make it easier for you to avail the 1-year warranty that the company is offering. The installation will be free and you can have it mounted on a wall or standing on your countertop.

A major issue with this alkaline water purifier is that it isn’t the sturdiest available. More importantly, this device makes a lot of noise while purifying the water. This can be an annoyance especially if the acoustics of your house support the noise.

Who’s it for: If you want an alkaline water purifier from a highly reliable brand without spending over the top, get this one from Aquaguard.

Tech Specs



  • Product Type: RO + UV

  • Capacity: 7 liters

  • An alkaline water purifier with multiple technologies

  • Boasts a patented Mineral Guard Technology

  • In-tank UV keeps water disinfected

  • Comes with multiple LED indicators and alarms

  • The transparent storage tank makes life easy

  • Three other variants are available

  • Attractive appearance

  • Can be wall-mounted or freestanding

  • Comes with a 1-year warranty

  • No ultra-filtration technology

  • No manual TDS adjustment mechanism

  • Low build quality

  • Can be quite noisy

  • Slightly on the expensive side

Top 2 Alkaline Water Purifiers for Home in India (Above ₹15,000): Detailed Reviews

#1: Havells Max Alkaline RO

Editor’s Rating: 4.5/5.0

Havells is known as an innovative, forward-looking company. This is evident in the Havells alkaline water purifier too.

Dubbed Max Alkaline RO, this device is unique because of its design. It is designed in such a way that you can mount it in a corner of the kitchen, thus, maximizing space.

What makes corner installation possible is its diamond-like shape. However, if you’re a “traditionalist” you can still mount this machine on a wall or even let it rest on the countertop.

In the unique design, the company has placed the water dispensing faucet inside one of the corners. The faucet, itself, deserves a mention because it is different from all others that are offered in the industry.

It is a brass faucet which is very similar to what you see in coffee and cappuccino machines, except in those machines it comes with a long handle. As a result, it provides a better seal and appearance. More importantly, though, the faucet design nullifies splashing completely.

The appearance of the machine is also very futuristic. It uses sparkling white and blue colors to good effect. The tank is also translucent in case you like to keep an eye on how much water you have stored.

You don’t have to do this, however, since the device comes with the proper alerts. The tank’s storage capacity is 7 liters and can be removed from the machine if required.

The innovation doesn’t stop there either. This alkaline water purifier comes with a self-monitoring system that the company calls iProtect Purification Monitoring.

Further, there’s an Electrical Protection System too which points to the core business of the company. The purpose of this protection system is to nullify risks posed by voltage fluctuations.

In terms of the primary function of the device i.e., purifying water, it performs admirably too. It boasts an 8-stage filtration process comprising multiple membranes and cartridges along with activated carbon and germicidal ultraviolet sterilization.

Moreover, there are 2 separate layers of electrostatic alkaline taste enhancer and a revitalizer filter that ensure proper mineral content in the water. The pH of the water that comes out of this machine is somewhere between 8 and 10 depending on the pH value of the water source.

Because of so many different innovative technologies, this is an expensive alkaline water purifier. However, Havells is well-established in India which ensures decent post-sales service.

This is useful because the company offers free installation along with a 1-year warranty and 2-years’ worth of preventive maintenance service with their device. They even offer free mineral cartridge replacement in that period.

The only flaw of this alkaline water purifier is that it doesn’t have the cutting-edge technologies that market leaders have such as Ultra-Filtration and Manual TDS control.

Who’s it for: If you want an alkaline water purifier that can be mounted in a corner and comes with a unique faucet, get this one from Havells.

Tech Specs



  • Product Type: RO + UV

  • Capacity: 7 liters

  • An alkaline water purifier with multiple technologies

  • Boasts an eight-stage filtration process

  • Can be mounted in corner, wall, or freestanding

  • Has a zero-splash, brass faucet

  • Removable storage tank

  • Comes with multiple alerts and alarms

  • Active self-monitoring and electrical protection systems

  • Attractive appearance

  • The company offers free installation

  • Comes with a 1-year warranty

  • No ultra-filtration technology

  • No manual TDS adjustment mechanism

  • An expensive device

#2: KENT Supreme Extra

Editor’s Rating: 4.75/5.0

Kent is the master of water purifiers in India. It doesn’t even matter what kind of water purifier you’re considering. Kent will have the best one in the market.

This is true for Kent alkaline water purifiers too with the Supreme Extra being the best available. The device not only provides the best technologies in class but offers some innovation too.

For example, Kent is offering zero wastage technology with this water purifier. If you’re environmentally conscious, then you already know how much water RO water purifiers waste as they purify it.

If you don’t, then let us tell you that RO water purifiers waste about three times the water they purify. This means that to fill up your tank of 7 or 8 liters, your device is expelling 21 to 24 liters of water.

While this kind of water wastage affects the environment adversely, it can also add up to considerable water bills over time.

Kent’s zero wastage technology allows this expelled water to be channeled back into your water tank with the help of an extension pipe and an existing water booster pump. However, beware that if you want this feature in your device, you’ll have to pay the technician extra for some key components.

In terms of its core objective, this alkaline water purifier is incomparable. It offers multi-stage purification. It purifies water through Reverse Osmosis and Ultra-Filtration along with ultraviolet sterilization. There’s even UV treatment for the water stored inside the tank.

The alkalization module of this machine makes the purified water healthier by adding minerals and improving its pH to somewhere between 8.5 and 9.5. Further, you’ll also have the ability to manipulate the target TDS value of your machine at your convenience.

The storage tank in this machine can hold up to 8 liters of purified water at any time while the entire filtration system can purify up to 20 liters of water per hour. This is particularly helpful if you have a large joint family or get plenty of guests regularly.

The color of this machine is white with a transparent top for people who like to see Kent alkaline cartridges in action. This is typical of all Kent machines, though. The best way to have this machine installed is to mount it on a wall. If you insist, your technician will install it standing but you’ll have to make compromises for it.

Kent happens to manufacture the best water purifiers in the country so it is understandable that they’re the most expensive. This is a flaw because the installation of the machine will also require you to spend more money on spares and key parts such as the pre-filter. The pre-filter doesn’t come in the package.

The company is the most well-established in the country too so it makes sense for them to have the most widespread network of technicians and dealers. This translates to stellar post-sales service.

They even offer the best breakdown protection with a 1-year overall warranty and 3-years no service charge. Each visit from the technician involves a labor or visitation charge of about ₹300 which they’re waiving off here. In about three years, this should amount to ₹1,800 with two visits per annum.

There are other cheaper variants of this same machine available but none of them have the alkaline feature. The Supreme model offers RO, UF, and in-tank UV, the Supreme Lite only offers RO and UF, and the Supreme Plus offers RO, UF, UV, and in-tank UV.

Who’s it for: If you want the best alkaline water purifier in the market and are willing to pay for quality, get Kent.

Tech Specs



  • Product Type: RO + UV + UF + MTDS + Tank UV

  • Capacity: 8 liters

  • The best alkaline water purifier

  • Boasts of all the expected technologies

  • Innovative zero-wastage technology

  • Allows for TDS adjustment by the user

  • In-tank UV keeps water disinfected

  • Three other variants are also available

  • Comes with a 1-year warranty

  • Offers the best post-sales service in the country

  • Activating zero-wastage tech means more spending

  • An expensive water purifier

  • Cannot be properly installed freestanding

3 Best Alkaline Filter Cartridges in India: Detailed Reviews

#1: Konvio Neer Water Purifier Alkaline Cartridge

Editor’s Rating: 4.25/5.0

As we mentioned in the knowledge section of this guide, you don’t have to replace your existing RO water purifier just to get alkaline water. There is a slew of alternative options available and replacing the cartridge in your existing machine is one of the cheapest.

Even amongst such cartridges, this water purifier alkaline cartridge sold under the brand name Konvio Neer is one of the most pocket-friendly. It is designed in a way that it can replace the cartridge inside virtually every water purifier model currently available in the country.

In fact, it is so easy to install that the company expects you to do it yourself. You can see this as a flaw or a quality depending upon your specific preferences.

Built with food-grade plastic through a high-precision Injection Molding process, this cartridge employs five different stages of mineralization. In the mineralization process, the water is exposed to mineral stone, alkaline rock, calcite crystals, far infrared ceramic balls, and maifan stone.  Along the way, the water picks up ionically activated mineral content, sees its pH increase, and receives zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium.

The company even provides a pH tester solution with each of its cartridges if you want to test the pH value of your water before and after its installation.

The biggest issue with this cartridge, though, is that it is only 4 inches in length. This is not the standard size of cartridges used in water purifiers which means that this cartridge will stop working well before standard cartridges do. This will mean more frequent replacements, the cost of which will add up over time.

The cost accumulation will not be unbearable, though, because this is the cheapest such cartridge in the market. While we’re only reviewing the single alkaline cartridge, the company also offers multiple variations. The most advanced variant is a set that can be used to replace all the cartridges in your water purifier.

Who’s it for: If you want the cheapest option for getting alkaline water in your home and already own an RO water purifier, get this cartridge.

Tech Specs



  • Product Type: Alkaline Cartridge

  • Capacity: 6000 – 8000 liters

  • Designed for all RO water purifiers

  • 5-stage mineralization process

  • Made with food-grade material

  • Comes with a pH testing solution

  • Multiple variations available

  • Incredibly cheap

  • The capacity is a bit too small

  • Has to be installed independently

#2: Shapure Standard Alkaline Filter and Mineral Cartridge

Editor’s Rating: 4.75/5.0

The Standard Alkaline Filter and Mineral Cartridge from Shapure is the most advanced alkaline replacement cartridge for RO water purifiers in the market right now.

So, naturally, it is one of the more expensive options too. Even so, while more expensive than its competitors, in the big scheme of things it is quite affordable.

This cartridge is designed in such a way that it will be able to replace cartridges of most water purifier models. In fact, it will fit inside most of them too. However, if it doesn’t, you can always install it outside the device.

It employs Korean technology to add minerals like magnesium and calcium to the water making it alkaline and giving it antioxidant qualities. The technology involves seven different stages of mineralization.

This includes the lowering of Oxidation-Reduction Potential or ORP along with exposure to calcite crystals, mineral stones, alkaline rock, far infrared ceramic balls, maifan stone, and activated charcoal.

The cartridge is made up of food-grade ABS plastic and even comes with a pH testing kit to see that it is working after the installation. While built well, sometimes small particles can escape the membrane barriers and end up in your water. While unseemly, these particles aren’t harmful and can be just removed.

We’re only reviewing the cartridge option in this guide but there are multiple other options available too. These range from Superflow options to full RO water purifier kits with spanners.

Who’s it for: If you want the best alkaline water purifier filter cartridge replacement, get this one from Shapure.

Tech Specs



  • Product Type: Alkaline Cartridge

  • Capacity: NA

  • Designed for all RO water purifiers

  • 7-stage mineralization process

  • Based on Korean technology

  • Made with food-grade material

  • Comes with a pH testing solution

  • Multiple variations available

  • Affordably priced

  • Sometimes particles come in water

#3: KENT Alkaline Water Filter Pitcher

Editor’s Rating: 4.0/5.0

Other than buying alkaline water purifiers or replacing the existing water purifier’s cartridge with an alkaline cartridge, you have the third option of buying an alkaline water jug.

The only issue with this is that only one such product is available in the Indian market.  This is the Alkaline Water Filter Pitcher from Kent.

This pitcher is equipped with a carbon and sediment filter that reduces the water’s Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) by making it more antioxidant and increasing its pH value to as high as 9.5.

This pitcher can alkalize and hold up to 3.5 liters of water, which makes it super-convenient to use especially since it doubles up as a standard jug. Using it as a standard jug is also a good idea because it is attractive to look at with a simple grey color scheme.

The pitcher’s filtration capabilities can last for three months of regular use or for 1000 liters of water, whichever comes first. However, this is where the troubles start because replacement cartridges are incredibly difficult to find. Sometimes, even the company doesn’t have the replacement filter cartridge.

Further, the filter in this device often lets out small particles into the alkalized water. This isn’t harmful but can make the water unpalatable. Another inconvenient aspect of this pitcher is that the filter cartridge needs to be assembled before the jug can be used.

The pitcher is also very much on the expensive side of things. It comes with a 1-year warranty too but this warranty is all but useless because there’s zero-post sales commitment from the company.

Many times, the company’s representatives won’t even know which product you’re talking about because it isn’t a part of their training. Moreover, even when they recognize their product, they’re unable to commit to fixing the pitcher. They’ll direct you to local dealers who will expect you to drop and pick up the jug for repair.

Who’s it for: If you want a jug that can alkalize purified water, get this one from Kent.

Tech Specs



  • Product Type: Alkaline Water Filter Pitcher

  • Capacity: 3.5 liters

  • The only alkaline water filter pitcher in the country

  • Super convenient to use

  • Can double up as a standard jug

  • Can filter and hold 3.5 liters

  • Attractive appearance

  • Supported by a 1-year warranty

  • Expensively priced

  • The cartridge needs to be assembled

  • Sometimes particles come in water

  • Cartridge gives out after 1000 liters or three months

  • Replacement filters are very difficult to find

  • Virtually no post-sales service